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Top quality white sage is used for clearing, smudging, and cleansing. Place the sage bundle in the bottom of an abalone shell or other heat resistant dish, it's also wise to add a little sand for insulation. Ignite the leaves, blow out flame and the sage will release a cloud of white, purifying smoke. When you're finished with the sage, cover it with sand and leave it in the container. When you want to use the bundle again, just shake the sand off. The smell of white sage brings a sense of peace and clarity, while clearing negativity from the room.


Clear a Room:
When you want to clear the energy out of a particular room, using a sage smudging stick is easy and effective way. To begin smudging, take your sage smudging stick and light it with a match in your shell; allow the sage to burn until it smokes. Hold the stick in your dominate hand, and start at the beginning of the room and walk in a clockwise direction throughout the room. You can say a small affirmation while walking with your sage stick, such as peace, love and happiness fills the room If you wish to do your whole house, start in the basement, and move in a clockwise direction throughout your home. Make sure to do the corners of each room, as that’s where negative and stagnant energy tends to lurk.

Clear an Object:
When I buy crystals, candles or even new piece of furniture, sage smudging brings clear energy to that particular item.

I find that the sage is great for aromatherapy scent. Any place in the house that can get stinky, such as the the trash can or a litter box, sage works great It even kills harmful bacteria in the air.

Keep pests at bay:
Burn sage when sitting outside at night to keep mosquitoes away. Just put the sage in a flame proof container such as an abalone shell and the smoke will deter bugs and allow you to enjoy the outdoors.


Approx. 9"

Large Sage Smudge Stick



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