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“Salt of the Earth” - Helps balance fluids moving in and out of cells.


It is considered a major grief remedy on the emotional level. EDEMA - LYMPHATIC SWELLING - On the physical level Nat Mur helps keep the balance of fluids working correctly. Proper moisture balance.


Emotionally: It is the remedy for people who have suffered and want to help others. Everyone goes to them for help. Inside they are vulnerable and sensitive. They have learned from grief and suffering so they can help others. Like salt being rubbed in a wound. In Nat Mur the wound is emotional – a wounded heart. They like to dwell on their misery. Introverted - Quiet type. They can have depression, dwelling on the past. Death of a loved one. Nat Mur people take everything with a grain of salt. They need to analyze, they don’t trust immediately. Children who refuse to walk (emotional). Grief in children of divorced parents. They cry in bed by themselves, never crying in front of anyone. THE GRIEF HITS AND THE SALT METABOLISM GOES OFF


Physically: They crave salt. Too much salt, Skin dries out, also greasy skin. Increased Thirst. They are very thirsty. The lip cracks down the middle, especially in the wintertime. Dryness, Constipation, Hives, itching and burning after exertion. Or you find Nat Mur’s with the exact opposite who can’t take salt at all.


Fluid Balance – Too much –Too little fluid in the balance. The fluids are off, chronic fluid retention. Nat Mur/Nat Phos work on the kidneys.


People who need diuretics, swelling of the hands and feet, they can gain a few pounds of water weight. Water retention before menstrual cycle


High Blood Pressure – Salt sensitive pressure problems.


Sensitive to the Sun. “Allergic to the Sun”. They tend to wear sunglasses.


They appear to be very strong but the eyes are very sensitive, tears swell but don’t spill.


Hay fever remedy with thin clear discharge and sneezing. They can walk outside, look at the sun and start sneezing. Headaches – Like little hammer pounding away at the top of the head, blinding headache, pain so severe that they temporarily loose their vision.


Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) responds well to Nat Mur.


Nat-Mur people always feel worse by the sea, but sometimes better at the seaside will indicate it.


#1 remedy for Cold Sores, Genital Herpes - especially when they come out after an emotional upset its as if the emotions stir up the skin eruptions and they come out.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

Nat Mur (Natrum Muriaticum) - Sodium Chloride



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